MinesTRIX - Blog

MinesTRIX blog

MinesTRIX Version 1.6.0

2022-08-26 @henri2h

Hi all!

Quite a lot happened since the last time, so let’s have a quick overview of what’s new.

🔑 New login experience

First impression matter, for this we resigned the login experience to provide a more clean and good-looking UI. Also, we took the opportunity to enable single sign for desktop and mobile. Web stills needs to be done.

Watch out, it might be a little frenchy :)

New login page

✨ General home page improvements

The main focus in this release was the publishing experience system.

It’s now more simple to write post, you can now embed multiple image in them. Also, if you have multiple profile, you can select the profile on which you want to publish your post while writing it.

PS: Did you notice? The navigation bar for desktop got some love. It’s way better isn’t it ;)

Some work on home page

📷 New post gallery view

We wanted to allow commenting each pictures individually, so, for this, we got back to our MSC and modified it to send each picture as a different event and then making a link to them in the post. With this in place, it is now possible to do so.

New login page

👤 User page

For better navigation, we added a tab view to switch between the posts sends on a feed, the follower of this particular feed and a tab displaying all the pictures sent in this particular room.

Using an upcoming MSC (profile as space) it’s now possible to discover the feeds of other MinesTRIX’s users.For this, the user needs to advertise it’s feed in his profile as space. Then, you can send follow request which is in fact a knocking request.

However, some issue prevents us to get the room hierachy over federation, so you cannot discover the feed from users not on the same server. You need to join the profile space first to be able to do this.

Brand new user page

👥 Group page

The group page also received some improvement in terms of layout. It also now properly request new post when scrolling through history, allow you to invite users and give some basic settings for this room.

New group page

📱Multi account support (thanks fluffychat 🎉)

We also took the opportunity to offload most of the client logic to the minestrix-chat SDK and it’s now possible, thanks to the fluffychat implementation, to have multiple account and switch between them. For this, just go to the settings and go to switch account and add other accounts.

Taking screenshots with different accounts is now way simpler. So for this update, you have a lot of screenshots 🚀

🤔 Don’t forget the story (thanks fluffychat again 🎉)

Story are an important feature of a social media platform so we have some news for our story lovers also.

The story viewing experience was reworked thanks to the fluffychat implementation and it should be way smother and now. Also, as in fluffychat, it’s now possible to view multiple stories from the same user. We also added support for some new story features,which we now have to add in the story editor.


💬 Chat settings got new features

We all love settings, don’t we ?

We added three new panels in the room settings:

  • Roles & permissions: still a bit rough but at least should allow you to edit the chat permissions.
  • Security: Yehaaa, you can now enable E2E encryption in chats, change the join rules and room visibility options.
  • Room media: You now have a dedicated view showing all the media sent into this room. For this the app will paginate through the history to get all the media sent.
The chat page updated
Chat list on mobile
Chat page on mobile

It’s now also possible to display the active user with which you have a DM so you can reach out to them when they are available. Also, when opening a DM chat, the app display user info about the current user you are messaging. For example, it’s displaying if the user is active, it’s session information and the mutual rooms.

Active user on desktop

🔎 Displaying user info

As for DM room, we provide a way to display the information about each user by clicking on the user avatar next to the message or in the room participants list.

It’s now displaying

  • the user power level
  • your mutual rooms
  • it’s different sessions and allow you to verify this particular user
User info

⚙️ App settings

Lastly, the room settings is now responsive and the experience should be better on desktop !

The routing library didn’t want us to do it, so we found a bit of a messy hack, but hey, it works! Isn’t it beautiful now ?

Also, the settings list is now adaptive and should give a native feel to Android and iOS users. We are using the settings_ui package to provide this.

New adaptive settings page

💣 Beta feature: Calendar event support

It’s now possible to organize events through MinesTRIX, for this, you create a room, invite the person you want, and they will be able to say if they come or not through the event poll. As a group, you can send post and messages in the same room for better organisation.

Also, the place and date information are easily editable for easier retrieval.

Event page

📩 Packaging

Finally, we wanted to bring snap and F-Droid support, but both of them refuse to work for whatever reason. They did win for this time. But hey, I won’t let them continue to this.

If you want to help the project and now snap packaging, could you figure out why the snap building is failing ? :D Another idea would be to switch to a Flatpak distribution. Same issue, need to find time to do it.

That’s all for today, see you next time ;)

MinesTRIX Version 1.5.5

2022-04-22 @henri2h


just did release V.1.5.5 today, this is the last update since a few months ago.

Phone view

Some of the changes are:

  • feat: compliance to the latest version of MSC3639: Matrix for the social media use case
  • feat: added images support for posts. You can now send multiple images in a post and display them in a gallery view.
  • feat: New emoji picker, you can now select and react to message in one continuous press.
  • feat: Comments nesting, (using threads)
  • feat: Image comment (read only :()
  • feat: Dark theme support
  • feat: New settings page (added a lab section :D, seems you need to have one if you want to build a proper Matrix client)
  • feat: proper emoji support for desktop. Thanks fluffychat :)
  • feat: Initial story support
  • feat: various UI enhancements.
Desktop view

Concerning the messaging feature:

  • feat: Initial poll support
  • feat: read only spaces support
  • feat: room list search box
  • feat: chat settings dialog
  • feat: read receipts list dialog
  • feat: reaction list dialog
  • feat: now use rounded avatar. Let’s be consistent with other clients.
  • feat: better display for replies and m.notice.
  • feat: Localization support thanks to the Matrix Dart SDK
The chat view

And some work already in for multiple profiles support, and profile as space (just use a public space to store your profile rooms).

If you are interested, come say hi in the room.

PS: You can also help us to design the underlying MSC, especially, we need some opinions on how to name things (the profile rooms) the room !!


Nov 26 Update

2021-11-26 @henri2h

Hi all!!

Quick update on MinesTRIX (a privacy focused social media based on MATRIX). This week was focused on performance and stability.

  • Changed database to use Fluffybox, this should greatly improve performances on web (thanks Famedly !)
  • Scrolling through the posts of a profile now properly request history.
  • Friend suggestions are now sorted according to the sum of user appearance in all rooms. Naïve, but it’s the first step.
  • Chat page has also been redesigned. Now support replies and reactions. Chat settings now display room avatar and fetch user list from server.
  • Bug affecting MinesTRIX profile creation has been fixed. Login process should be way more stable now.
  • MinesTRIX rooms sync has been rewritten to take into account sync events to rebuild the list.
  • Debug page now allow forcing sorting rooms.
  • Various post display enhancement (links are now clickable, thanks kellya!)

Come chat with us !

TWIM Project announcement

2021-11-19 @henri2h

Hi all!!

Today I want to showcase you MinesTRIX. MinesTRIX is a decentralized social media based on matrix. The goal is to create a privacy respectful social media using the power of matrix while trying to be as simple as possible.

Two Objectives

  • Showing that matrix could be used to build such a system.
  • Helping find your friends using matrix

Currently supported

  • Posting
  • Adding and accepting friends
  • Basic post management
  • Creating groups, posting and adding users to it
  • E2EE device verification (thanks FluffyChat !!)
  • Cross platform thanks to Flutter (Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, MacOS, WEB)

Now what ?

  • Stability fixes
  • Finding a logo ;)
  • Bring sharing functionality for public groups.
  • Adding support for the Circle application.
  • Enhance the friends' suggestion algorithm (Currently it’s a really naïve one :D)
  • Add reactions for chats and posts

🚀 Demo

🏗️ Gitlab

📱 Chat